Thomas, Grandpa and Mayday the Dog Meet the Summer Bugs
One small step to mankind, one giant step to a man.
I am not trying to glorify something that should be merely routine, but navigating my ebook manuscript through the grinding teeth of Smashwords’ error filters was indeed a tedious task. I had to
learn the hard way that there is more to a Word file than meets the eye. All this one, I now hope that Thomas, Grandpa and Mayday the Dog may find new readers in the wild wide world, perhaps more
so than in this particular tiny country at the edge of Europe.
Yes, my book Thomas, Grandpa and Mayday the Dog Meet the Summer Bugs is now available from Smashwords (
To be more exact, it can now be preordered from Smashwords and will be published June 26th, 2015. The book will also be available from major e-book retailers in a few weeks.
Did you know that there are more bugs than people in the world? Yes, it is true! We are outnumbered even by termites, both in terms of head count and by biomass. Biomass may not be a nice
word to describe mankind, but take it or leave it, we humans only account for 350 million metric tons of flesh and blood. Anyway, everyone is bound to meet some bugs sometime, just as the
characters of this book do. Interesting critters, the bugs are. Some, like the water striders, can walk on water. Some shine a light of their own. Some make honey, others weave webs.
Some.., well, meeting with a wasp can easily be bothersome.
This book also includes stories about frogs and toads, lizards and snails. How does a tadpole know how to turn into an adult frog? This puzzles Thomas, and he and Grandpa end up in talks about
cells and their genetic memory, the DNA. But not in a dry and lengthy detail. I just have tried to simulate the mind of a six year old (I know about such things because I once was one;). So
this is not a biological textbook nor a nature guide. This is just a collection of humorous short stories about everyday bugs, written for an audience of 5 years and up. Having said that, I have
made sure that the facts are right. List price 1,99 $.
About my future plans, the Finnish edition of my third book in this series is just now in print. It is about birds and animals that one nowadays sees in an urban environment. Maybe one day this
one will be published in English, too.